Parigha means an arched beam or structure with which a wooden or iron gate can be adjusted. So, parighasana is a yoga posture, which involves you to pose like a gate using your whole body. Generally in our daily life our front part of the body gets all the attention and our back and side parts of the physique remains unattended. But yoga is such a discipline which ignores nothing. Everything and every aspect are of the same importance to it. In this regard Yoga has some very effective postures which give attention to our ignored back and side part of the body. One such posture is Parighasana.
Parighasana is an advanced sort of pose which demands some preparatory poses to be practiced before applying Parighasana. Poses like- Adho Mukha Svanasana, Baddha Konasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Supta Padangusthasana, Upavistha Konasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana, Utthita Trikonasana,Virasana are very effectual for this purpose.
Steps of practicing Parighasana Yoga Pose:
- Kneel down on the floor. Put your hands horizontally. Keep the palms downwards facing the floor. Be calm and collected. If you have sensitive knees then it would be better for you to use a soft mattress or bolster.
- Stretch your right leg by the side. Keep the sole of your right foot parallel to your left thigh while the kneecaps will face the ceiling. Your left thigh will be right beneath your left hip. Or you can keep the ball and the heel of your right foot touching the floor completely. If you are a beginner or have problems controlling your movements completely then it will be better for you to use something as a barrier or support to your stretched right foot.
- Reach for the right sheen with your right hand and let the palms rest on your sheen.
- Uplift your left hand and turn them around- above your ears and head.
- With each exhalation deepen the curve of your torso a little more and with each inhalation grow a little straighter. Keep being in that fashion as long as you are comfortable with it.
- Now slowly come back to your kneeling down position again tracing back the steps until your hands are horizontal again. Now with an exhalation put your hands down to your sides.
- Now do the same on your other side. This time by stretching you left foot and bending to your left.
While practicing this any yoga pose breathing should be smooth and regular. Your inner poise should be reflected through your breathing. It should not be mechanical; rather it will be free and in harmony with your movements- inner and outer. But keep in your mind that you must not over strain yourself in any way. Go steady.
Apart from inner developments there are many outer physical benefits of Parighasana.Through stretching, elongating and strengthening the intercostals, lungs and liver it improves the respiratory system. So it is very helpful to those who have respiratory problems, like- asthma, cold etc. Moreover this yoga pose concentrates on the whole body thus strengthens knee hamstrings, hips, abdominal muscles and organs, like- kidneys. Thus it also improves our digestive system and makes our spine more strong and flexible.