Sun Salutations are actually a combination of different Yoga Poses.
Though San Salutations are not considered as Yoga Poses, these special combinations of Yoga Poses have some intentions. As each Sun Salutation is a combination of some Yoga Poses, it includes the intention these Yoga Poses have.
- To increase the circulation and prepare the physical body for an asana practice
- To stretch and open the Nadis within the body so that Prana can flow freely
- To creatively use Pranayama techniques to direct and control the flow of Prana
- To create a biomechanical dance that realigns the body and creates symmetry
As each Sun Salutation includes some Yoga Poses, it includes the benefits that these Yoga Poses have.
- Tones and strengthens the muscles of the physical body
- Creates tissue pumps that promote lymphatic drainage
- Increases the circulation of arterial and venous blood
- Creates loads and levers that promote symmetry of the body
- Prepares the body for more sophisticated asanas and Pranayamas
- Increases the volume of the breath in both inhalation and exhalation
Most of the Yoga Poses have some contradictions and as a combination of Yoga Poses each Sun Salutation also has some contradictions.
- Inflammation of the joints
- Injury or illness that can be adversely affected by this vigorous practice
- Refer to the contraindications of each individual asana in this sequence
Teaching technique
- Stand in Tadasana with the inner feet parallel at the front of the mat
- Inhale raise the arms to the sides above the head, press the palms together into Urdvha Hastasana
- Exhale pivot from the hips and fold the torso onto the front of the thighs towards the floor placing your hands on the floor outside the feet into Uttanasana
- Inhale lift the sternum, expand the ribcage, extend and lengthen the spine as you look forward
- Exhale jumping or stepping back into a high plank then lowering the torso to the floor into
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Inhale roll onto the front of the feet and lift the sternum towards the ceiling into Urdvha Mukha Svanasana
- Exhale push back through the arms and extend the pelvis and spine in line towards the ceiling into Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Inhale in Adho Mukha Svanasana and exhale as you step or jump the feet back in line with the hands
- Inhale lift the sternum, expand the ribcage, extend and lengthen the spine as you look forward
- Exhale pivot in the hips and fold the torso onto the front of the thighs towards the floor placing your hands on the floor outside the feet into Uttanasana
- Inhale rolling the spine up into a vertical position while raising the arms out to the side until the palms press together above the head in Urdvha Hastasana
- Exhale and lower the arms laterally out to the sides of the body to rest against the outer sides of the thighs standing in Tadasana
As most of the Yoga Poses have some modifications, Sun Salutations also have some modifications.
- If control of the breath is lost or unable to be sustained during Surya Namaskar A this practice should be modified until the control of the breath is regained
- If the ability to activate and hold the Bandhas in each pose is lost this practice should be modified until the ability to activate the Bandhas is regained
Common misalignments
- Asanas are not completed or finished before moving onto the next asana
- Muscles not designed to be part of that particular asana are recruited to swing the body into the next asana
- Surya Namaskar A is practiced mindlessly without any conscious connection of the mind to the body’s movements
- The stronger physical areas of the body are used to compensate for the other perceived weaker areas of the body
Counter pose
Savasana to calm the Central Nervous System, to rest the physical body and to calm the breath.