AH-doh MOO-kuh shvah-NAWS-annah
Downward Facing Dog Pose is one of the most common Yoga Poses. Beginners who want to learn Yoga Poses can easily practice this Yoga Pose as it is one of the most easy to learn Yoga poses.
There are some Yoga Poses which has common intentions. Downward Facing Dog Pose and Cat Pose are the Yoga Poses which have some common intentions including strengthening the arms and releasing tension in the hamstrings and calf muscles.
To calm the mind and the central nervous system
To calm and slow the breath
To align the torso and the pelvis
To strengthen the arms
There are some Yoga Poses which have some common benefits. Downward Facing Dog Pose and Cat Pose are some Yoga Poses which have some common benefits.
- Calms the mind and the central nervous system
- Calms and slows the breath
- Lowers the blood pressure
- Lengthens the spine
- Realigns the torso and the pelvis
- Stretches and opens the carpel tunnel of the wrists
- Strengthens and tones the muscles of the hands and arms
- Tones and strengthens the rhomboids
- Creates an inner core practice
- Releases tension in the Achilles tendon, calf muscles and hamstrings
Most of the Yoga Poses have some contradictions. One needs to be careful about these contradictions while practicing Yoga Poses.
- Physical problems of injury, inflammation and weakness of the wrists or shoulders
- Inflammation of the origin of the gracilis, semitendinosus,
- Biceps femoris long head or
- Adductor longus
- Injured or damaged Achilles
- Tendon
- Reflux and hiatal hernia
- Glaucoma or detached retina
- High blood pressure
Teaching technique
- Kneeling in Balasana asana extend the arms forward shoulder width apart
- Rotate the upper arms outward drawing the scapulas towards the spine until the palms face towards the ceiling
- Then rotate the lower arms below the elbow crossing the ulna and radius bones until the palms face towards the floor
- This co-activates the muscles of the arms creating limb bandhas that support the elbows and strengthen the arms
- Inhale into a kneeling position and tuck the toes under
- As you exhale activate Mula Bandha and lift the ischium of the pelvis towards the ceiling
- Keep the knees bent as you align the arms and the torso into a straight lateral line from the wrist to the shoulder
- Activate Uddiyana and Jalandhara Bandhas as you inhale to support the spine and to create a straight lateral line from the wrists to the hips
- When this straight lateral line from the wrists to the hips is completed push the inner heel towards the floor as you exhale
- Do not allow the pelvis to tilt and lose its alignment with the torso as the heels push down to the floor because the intention is to create an inverted V with its apex at the hips
- The pivot point of this asana is designed to be at the hips not in the lumbar spine, which is what happens if the pelvis is allowed to tilt so the heels can reach the floor
- Hold this asana and use gentle thoracic horizontal Ujjayi breath to calm the mind and lower the blood pressure
Most of the Yoga Poses have some modifications and one should know these modifications.
- If you are unable to place weight into the wrists this asana can be supported by the forearms, which are placed on the floor.
- Place the hands wider than the shoulders if the humerus of the upper arm is restricted by the acromion process of the scapula.
- If tension in the shoulders restricts the ability to open the shoulders rotate the wrists so that the V made by the thumb and forefinger points forward.
- If the hamstrings severely restrict this asana either bend the knees or place the heels up a wall to release them.
- If the heels reach the floor easily lengthen the pose by moving the feet and hands further apart.
- If it is too difficult to reach the floor with the heels then shorten the distance between the hands and the feet.
Common misalignments
- Hands and feet placement is too narrow or too wide
- Hands are not activated
- Weight of the torso is carried in the little finger side of the hand, lifting the thumb and forefinger
- Allowing the torso to drop towards the floor so that the arms and torso are no longer in lateral alignment from the wrist to the hip
- The head dropped forward so that the cervical spine is not aligned with the thoracic spine
- Maha Bandha is not activated to support the spine and pelvis, allowing the pelvis to hinge from the lumbar spine
- Heels pushed to the floor drawing the ischium of the pelvis down and destroying the alignment of pelvis and spine
- Hyper-extended elbows and knees
Counter pose
Balasana to compose the mind, to rest the arms and legs, and to calm the breath.
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