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Yoga Poses- Warrior Pose II

Warrior Yoga Poses are some of the most common and attractive Standing Yoga Poses. Beginners who want to learn Yoga Poses can practice this Yoga Pose if they have enough flexibility and guidance from experienced instructor as it is not considered as one of the easiest Yoga poses.


There are some Yoga Poses which has common intentions. Warrior Pose I, Warrior Pose II and Lord Shiva's Pose are the Yoga Poses which have some common intentions including Strengthening, toning and shaping the legs, promoting balance and  increasing flexibility.

  • To create a strong vital warrior pose that demonstrates the inner warrior within with strength, stability and balance which lengthens the spine and opens the chest.


There are some Yoga Poses which have some common benefits. Warrior Pose I, Warrior Pose II and Lord Shiva's Pose are some Yoga Poses which have some common benefits.

  • Strengthens and tones the legs and promotes balance
  • Develops stamina and strength
  • Increases the range of movement in the hips
  • Relieves menstrual pain
  • Expands and opens the ribcage, increasing the volume of the breath
  • Lengthens the spine and tones the muscles of the back
  • Strengthens, tones and reduces the waist line
  • Develops the postural alignment of the feet and ankles
  • Relieves lower back pain


Most of the Yoga Poses have some contradictions. One needs to be careful about these contradictions while practicing Yoga Poses.

  • Sacroiliac injury or inflammation
  • High blood pressure
  • Injuries or inflammation of the ankles, knees or hips
  • Inability to balance
  • Groin injuries or inflammations
  • Migraines or stress headaches
  • Strong Mula Bandha during menstruation
  • Injured or inflamed neck

Teaching technique

  1. Stand in Mountain Pose facing the side edge of the mat
  2. Step the feet wide apart then stand on the ball of the left foot and push back through the inner heel until it is at a 15 degree angle to the side of the mat
  3. Create a lateral vertical line from the right ankle, to knee, to hip, to shoulder to the right ear
  4. Rotate the right foot parallel to the side edge of the mat with the inner edge of the foot aligned with the centre of the arch of the back left foot
  5. If the front knee does not align with the front foot release the front right foot and align it with the front right knee to protect the medial ligament
  6. Activate Mula Bandha on the exhalation to promote stability of the pelvis and legs then activate
  7. Uddiyana and Jalandhara Bandhas on the inhalation to lengthen, straighten and support the thoracic and cervical spine
  8. Inhale raise and extend the arms laterally to shoulder height with active palms to activate the triceps then exhale bend the front right knee and sink down into Warrior Pose 2 with the front right thigh parallel to the ground
  9. Inhale push back into the inner heel of the back left foot to stabilize the asana and contract the quadriceps to support the weight of this asana
  10. Hold Warrior Pose 2 inhale using thoracic horizontal breathing to expand and open the ribcage to create space and extend the spine towards the ceiling then exhale activate Mula Bandha to stabilize the pelvis and the legs then sink deeper into this asana keeping the front knee in a vertical position over the right ankle
  11. Inhale straighten the front right leg and raise the arm laterally over the head pressing the palms together, turn the feet to face the side edge of the mat and then exhale lower the arms laterally to the sides of the body
  12. Step the feet together into Mountain Pose


Most of the Yoga Poses have some modifications and one should know these modifications.

  • If you are unable to support the weight of the torso in a position where the front thigh is parallel to the floor shorten the stance and bend the knee less so the front thigh is at a 45 degree angle
  • The seat of a chair can be placed under the front thigh to support the weight of the torso and allow you to practice pushing back through the back leg to straighten it to stabilize Warrior Pose
  • If the extended arms are too intense for the shoulders the elbows are bent and the hands placed on the hips
  • The arms can be used in this asana to create Eagle arms facing forward towards the edge of the mat
  • If the back heel is lifting, losing the foundation of the floor, the back heel can be lifted and placed against a wall to practice using this leg strongly to create stability and balance in this asana
  • Practice against a wall to check postural integration and alignment of pelvis and torso
  • Stretch away from the front leg arching the spine laterally raising the front arm over the head creating a lateral line from the front of the front foot to the bent front knee to the shoulder to the elbow, wrist and hand and lower the back arm laterally to place the hand on the side of the rear lower leg

Common misalignments

  • The inner arches of the feet and ankles are allowed to collapse
  • The front foot is allowed to roll over onto the outer blade lifting the inner arch of the foot and destroying the postural integrity of the ankle
  • The stance is too short and the knee is allowed to go past the ankle, overextending the front knee
  • The front knee is allowed to rotate inward or outward so it is no longer above the front foot, losing its vertical postural integrity
  • The back knee is allowed to bend losing the postural integrity of the vertical lateral line from the ankle to the hip
  • The rear hip is allowed to come forward twisting the pelvis losing its alignment with the lumbar spine
  • Different lateral lengths in the sides of the torso causing the body to lean backwards or forwards so the spine and torso are not vertical
  • Not aware of the position of the scapulas allowing them to wing, elevate or protract
  • Hands soft not active and alive, causing the triceps of the upper arms to sag
  • Mula Bandha is released and the buttocks allowed to push back exaggerating the lumbar curve
  • creating lordosis Uddiyana and Jalandhara Bandhas are released and the upper spine allowed to curve forward exaggerating the thoracic curve of the spine and the chin juts forward
  • The back foot is allowed to soften, the inner arch collapses, the foot loses its active connection with the floor and cannot be a strong foundation for the back leg to stabilize the asana


  • Feet Wide Pose to release tension in the lower back, hamstrings, hips and glutes
  • A mild inversion it calms the mind and the central nervous system, lowers the blood pressure and calms the breath.


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