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Yoga Poses-FOUR LIMBED STAFF POSE (Chaturanga dandasana)

Chaht-tour-ANG-ah don-DAHS-ah-nah – four-limbed staff pose
CHATUR= four; ANGA= limb; DANDA= a stick or staff



Four-limbed staff pose is one of the most common Yoga Poses. Beginners who want to learn Yoga Poses can easily practice this Yoga Pose as it is one of the most easy to learn Yoga poses.


There are some Yoga Poses which has common intentions. Four-limbed staff pose and cat pose are the Yoga Poses which have some common intentions including increase the circulation of blood and strengthen the arms.
  • To create Maha Bandha and a strong central core within the torso
  • To gain control and strengthen the arms from the scapulas to the wrists


There are some Yoga Poses which have some common benefits. Cat Pose, Four-limbed staff pose, Downward Facing Dog Pose are some Yoga Poses which have some common benefits.
  • Applies Mula, Uddiyana and Jalandhara Bandhas to create Maha Bandha, the great lock
  • Creates and develops a strong internal core
  • Opens the carpel tunnel and releases tension in the wrists
  • Strengthens the arms and upper body
  • Learn to control the movements of the scapulas
  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles
  • Stretches the tendons and the palma fascia tissue of the hands


  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Menstruation
  • Advanced pregnancy
  • Sciatica

Teaching technique

  1. Lie prone on the mat and press the palms into the floor underneath the shoulders
  2. Dorsiflex the toes towards the shins, draw the knee caps upward and lock the knees
  3. Exhale creating Mula Bandha then inhale creating Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandharabandha drawing the spine into horizontal alignment with the pelvis
  4. Exhale pushing the hands into the floor, straighten the arms locking the elbows and lift the body with the spine aligned correctly into the plank pose
  5. Inhale and lower the body by releasing muscle tension in the arms, bending the elbows, keeping the spine aligned with the pelvis into Chaturanga asana
  6. Hold chaturanga asana with the body parallel to the floor with maha bandha to create a strong core


Most of the Yoga Poses have some modifications and one should know these modifications.
  • When the arms are unable to lift the weight of the entire body from the floor, bend the knees and lift from the knees not the feet.
  • If the wrists are injured or overly stressed the hands can be used as fists to support the body weight and protect the wrist.
  • The plank pose can be used to practice the separate Bandhas, the creation of Maha Bandha and the arm strength and control needed for Chaturanga.

Common misalignments

  • Mula Bandha is released allowing the pelvis to tilt creating a lordotic lumbar curve.
  • The elbows are allowed to flare outwards from the ribcage.
  • The scapulas are forgotten, not controlled and allowed to find their own resting place.
  • The abdominal muscles are relaxed releasing the core.
  • The elbows are not aligned with the wrists.
  • The hands are softened allowing the fingers to relax on the floor.

Counter pose

Some Yoga Poses have counter Yoga Poses. Balasana is the counter pose to release tension in the spinal muscles of the spine and to calm the breath.

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