Learn Yoga Poses with the most informative Yoga blog! We are going to make this blog one of the most resourceful Yoga blog. There are different types of Yoga Poses and not all the Yoga Poses are easy to learn and easy to teach! But don't be intimidated! We are here to help you.
As you see there are different pages/tabs in hour blog such as Preparatory Yoga Poses, Sun Salutation/s, Standing Yoga Poses etc. These Tabs are created to help you guide throughout the learning process. There are a lot of Yoga Poses under each tab.
As we are from India, the originating country of Yoga, we will teach you the most perfect yoga techniques. These Yoga Poses are developed by the ancient yogis and took thousands of years to become the most perfect ones and we learned these poses directly from Yoga gurus who live in Himalayas.
So your TRUE Yoga experience begins here with the Yogis from Himalayas!